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MED CONTOUR, an appliance fro the company GP is the best and a real alternative to operational liposuction.

MED CONTOUR gives patients immediate results, with an average reduction of 2.5 cm after the first treatment. 100% safe, which was confirmed by the most rigorous agency in the world for quality testing of medical devices – FDA APPROVED! Treatments are very comfortabe, with no recovery time, so-called “Lunch break” treatments. It has been proved that MED CONTOUR gives the best results for body contouring.

The appliance operates on the principle of ultrasound. MED CONTOUR has two ultrasound heads, a one vacuum and one applicator to open the lymph nodes for lymphatic drainage . MED CONTOUR’s unique ultrasonic treatment breaks the membrane of fat cells, fat cells continue to brake dropping fatty acids and triglycerides whitch are then absorbed through the lymph and blood vessels andtransported to the liver. Through the natural metabolism of the liver, the excess fatty acids and triglycerides are eliminated from the body. The process of lymphatic drainage, which is integrated into the applicator, known as “zonal massage”, greatly facilitates this process of elimination.

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